5/5 Message From Inner Earth Lemuria: Remember Who You Are

By Jelelle Awen

Blessings during this 5/5 gateway opening to let in 5D/Divine self embodiment! High frequency energies today even as denser energies in our 3D aspects continue to need bridging, love and support in order to deconstruct, lean in and let go ❤️🔥🌹

I wanted to reshare this message that came through on 5/5 from the Inner Earth Lemurians (and my Lemurian soul aspect Ruma) as a bridge to 5D as the veils are always so THIN on this day:

Oh, humanity…..

Your journey has been so long,

Your fall so complete,

Your pain and suffering so real.

You landed in your forgetfulness,

your soul went to sleep,

you closed down your heart,

you disconnected from your intuition.

So, your mind did its work

and it got busy making a life

fed by a matrix mother

that could provide only limits,

programs, conditions, and rules.

Some of us Lemurians survived the Great Fall

and were forced away from the surface

choking on the ashes in the air,

heavy with the burden of grieving

the loss of so many of our brothers, sisters,

and our mightily cherished Motherland.

We have lived beneath you

for all these thousands of years.

We’ve been birthing and raising UP

our golden world of 5D consciousness

within this protected womb of

Gaia’s deepest depths.

We are waiting here for you

to unplug from the false matrix

and cord into your Divine Mother….

to reclaim your higher heart,

to reactivate your DNA,

to expand your consciousness,

to remember WHO YOU REALLY ARE…

We are waiting for you to truly CARE again,

for all creatures,

for all of Gaia,

and, most of all,

for yourself and for each other.

Some of you are growing, sprouting, expanding…

You are the precious offspring of Lemuria

that we sent to the surface

in a human form, born into and of their Matrix

in order be a beaconing seed of

New Lemuria there.

We are here to remind you,

to help you remember,

and to water you with support from afar

and from within you

whenever you are in need.

We’ve provided you with

saints and sages over the years…

seeds of us in humanly form

to offer templates for what

New Sacred Humanity could be again

and always truly WAS.

When enough of you are ready,

we will return to the surface.

We will collaborate together,

we will re-create the Motherland again

we will get to live Heaven on Gaia…

And we will become a loving humanity

reunited, as a living human reflection

of our Divine parents

once again.

Love to you always from your Lemurian

soul aspects/guides w/Jelelle Awen

Here is this message in my voice: https://youtu.be/iaYhHu8LNkI

You are invited to join us today and a unique group of souls coming together for a 5/5 sound healing/guided meditation/sharing group call over zoom at 5-7pm Portugal/UK – 12 pm EDT. We will be transmitting 5D frequencies to support remembrance, release, and deeper embodiment/recoding at the body level. You can join us by donation or get the recording with more info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1356016891771576 and at soulfullheart.org/events

What We Think We Own

By  Raphael Awen

When we fight, push and press to own something, that thing possesses us. What was gained by force must be maintained by force.

Nothing can really be owned in this way without it owning us. The energy of the currency we used to buy it, is then the current that flows into our relationship with the thing. We possess the thing and the thing mirrors that possession back to us.

It breaks down and demands maintenance or it refuses to work. It threatens us with being stolen and calls for more time and energy to protect it. It gets neglected and then shames us for spending all that and not using it like we intended too.

How could something be called ours and not be owned in this way?

It begins with realizing that you already possess all things. You are the thing. You can’t actually be separate from anything. The vendor and buyer are playing a game of forgetting, thinking that one can rightfully own something at another’s expense and that this other must pay a ransom to transfer that ownership. Many others join so deeply into the game that it becomes a reality of its own. Thieves, police, prisons, security systems and so much more support this illusory game.

Then there’s realizing that any material thing is in its essence matter. It came from Gaia, our matter/mother. Our mother provides all things necessary freely without price. All matter is mother. Gaia is the original and only rightful owner.

Grasping to own Mother Gaia doesn’t work. It’s like trying to own love. Love can’t be owned, only let in and received. The one who receives her does just that.

And if something came from Gaia which is conscious, then a thing formed and framed from different bits and pieces of Gaia, retains that consciousness.

And consciousness wants to be experienced, known and felt. There’s no such thing as an inanimate object with this deeper awareness of what life and matter is.

All of this invites us into new feelings of reverence and appreciation, feeling how provided for we actually are, how our grasping is a resistance to that infinite and quite scary provision.

It invites us into feeling how ‘things’ want to be held in our open hands and bring their goodness and abundance to us. Things don’t like being passed on from rightful slave owner to rightful slave owner, they want to be free where they can be and express all they are.

Owners become stewards of living things and nothing more, being gifted with the relationship exchange of care, blessing and goodness (god-li-ness, god-like-ness) that the thing brings.

I’d so like to keep experiencing this more and more, letting go of chasing money, chasing things, chasing more spiritual sounding practices of ‘how to attract abundance’, when abundance is trying its best to find a way into my heart and life.

Raphael Awen 💚

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit soulfullheart.org for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

Emerging, Renewed, From Retreat & Recovery In Gaia’s Arms

by Kasha Rokshana

This retreat to Nature has been a retreat into myself, collapsing and letting go of so much that I didn’t realize I was holding, that I didn’t consciously realize I wasn’t letting the Divine in on, and that I didn’t realize was creating a widening chasm inside between what I felt I needed to do or become and what I wanted to do and become. I feel more ‘awake’ now in a soul sense and yet in deep sleepiness too as the rest and recovery from what has been true about life and service for parts of me continues to heal and transmute.

Over the last 5 years I’ve shared many words of poetry, offerings of Divine love as I’ve personally experienced it, and many transparent writings about my personal process. In the beginning of that, there was tenderness about sharing. As the years went on it became about something else though, maybe more ‘ego-based’ at times, but always with the intention of helping, supporting, offering love to others in the mix as well.

It’s humbling to take a step back and look at all of this, especially while also feeling the pain of what’s moving in the world of shadows and light known as ‘Gaia’. It’s humbling to let nature hold you while you feel it all out with the heart rather than figure it all out with the mind, wonder what your place of contribution to the NEW truly is, and remember that absolutely every piece felt on a heart and soul level IS the contribution.

The yelling-matches, virtually and not, can do something but won’t do everything. The self-righteous energies catalyze something, but eventually run out of ground as they don’t truly let the Divine/love itself in. Conflict has its place but also has to find its resolution through curiosity. Truth revelations are inevitable. The acceptance of them in the mainstream is not. The only way that I can feel we can move through these humbling times is to truly be with ourselves in them, surround ourselves with resonant others, and explore the themes emerging in the world from within our own inner worlds where we can take responsibility for our part in the play out of the current human shadow show.

I feel so grateful for these months immersed in beautiful Northern Portugal, for the clarifies that are still dawning and moving through, and the rebirth of the grace within to hold it all.

I’m sharing a photo from a hike with my beloved Gabriel, where we took in the vast expanse of the valley we’ve been camping in for the last couple of months. I felt the hugeness of the beauty we’ve been surrounded by and the Divine love codes downloaded through the mountains, trees, and flowers.

Really looking forward to experiencing what emerges next as we move on from here and feel into what SoulFullHeart, and all of us, become next.



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Nature’s Constant Support Of Us & Our Healing, Especially During These Escalated Times

by Kasha Rokshana

Nothing transforms you so effortlessly as nature/mama Gaia does… We’ve returned to Porto for about a week before heading back to camp full time and I feel like something core within me is shifting that I’ve been working to shift for years now, especially as I humbly walk out this transition.

I think what I was always craving was a return to nature in a deeper way, which is a return to my own nature. A way to feel what is natural for me and what has had to be ‘put on’. I’ve looked at so many layers of self-image and wanting to be ‘this’ or ‘that’ and especially seen/received as ‘this’ or ‘that’ over the last few years.

True confession… Aspects/parts of me have never really fully gotten over that and there’s still more work to do around it, yet I feel even more trust that the work continues even without me consciously realizing it. This is especially true as I continue to immerse in nature and respond to/template from her…

Nature lays naked before you and upgrades as she upturns. She turns herself inside out, moving her healing along in ways both attractive and unsightly, yet always with some underlying grace, pace, and love flow.
Nature moves onward, always. She is always changing. She is always moving with the times and not against them, though she will push back too if she has to. It’s up to you if you choose to roll along with her or continue to try and master or dominate her, just as parts of you have tried to do with themselves.

These last 9 days of being deeply immersed in nature with my beloved and my nearest and dearest companions, has awakened a ‘wild child’ within and also a deep, core sense of well-being in this intense world. Something is emerging that is much more aligned with nature and the natural self.

This is the place I want to serve from, from the true heart of my raw and earthy Priestess, emotional human woman, and sacred feminine embodiment in everything that means.

Because now more than ever, we need leaders who are willing to look into mirrors, find their hearts, be willing to be wrong, stand for the love and deep evolution/Ascension of humanity, and hang onto context so that we all have something to lean on.

I cannot stress enough the power of having your feet in a flowing river and putting your head under a (small) waterfall; the power of having dirt under your fingernails from raking and clearing your campsite, the insects that visit and others that seem to ‘invade’; the rawness that gets to emerge from you as you come to embrace and explore it all.

The bigness of the ‘you’ that emerges from these experiences that is indeed big enough to hold and respond to it all, to yourself, to those who are ready to hear and learn from you, and to those who are there to share life and love with you in an intimate and healing way… Is worth every moment of discovery and uncovering.
Nature is calling out your true nature and instinctual self too. Gaia is with us all in all of our processing, pain, and movements. She is holding our hearts and our hands yet can only meet us where we are ready to meet Her… Where we are ready to truly meet ourselves.



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Thank You, Mother Gaia

Thank you Mother for all you have held
All you hold, and all you will hold
As you take us into the Mystic
Thank you for you never-ending love
Your relentless passion for our evolution
Your undying forgiveness for our trespasses
Thank you Mother for the magical creatures,
The majestic views,
The places you have created
So we may enter into our eternal sanctuary
Thank you for the medicine
The wisdom
The trails and tribulations
I am in awe of your Might
Your Breath
And your Beauty
I am your son, your servant, and your steward of Love


Gabriel Heartman is a facilitant, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Earth Day Energy Update With Guided Meditation

Connecting with ‘Gaia Consciousness’ is a ripe topic for the day as we celebrate ‘Earth Day’. In this live stream hosted on Facebook, Kalayna and Gabriel offer an energy update and a digestion of what it means to be in collaboration with Gaia as a big and powerful consciousness and reflection of ourselves.

They offer their perspective on relating with Gaia as an energy that is taking care of Herself/Itself and does not actually need us to ‘fight’ for Her/It. How parts of us relate to Gaia is how they relate to themselves and this is where the true transmutation of our ways of life that have involved taking and in some cases misuing many resources from Her/It can happen on the heart and soul level withIN.

They also lead a sweet and powerful guided meditation part way through, that leads you into connection with your ‘5D Gaian Self’, an aspect of you that is deeply connected to Gaia that can begin to integrate with you as you continue to heal the barriers or blocks to this connection within.

This video was live on April 22, 2019.

Gabriel’s writing that he shares in this video: https://soulfullheartblog.com/2019/04…

Kalayna’s guided meditation to connect with Mother Gaia in a more detailed way: https://youtu.be/pBmywUP8GvI


Gabriel’s writing that he shares in this video: https://soulfullheartblog.com/2019/04… Kalayna’s guided meditation to connect with Mother Gaia in a more detailed way: https://youtu.be/pBmywUP8GvI

Tree Energies/Message: Anchor Into Your Compassionate Heart

by Kalayna Solais

To be with him, to be with me, to be among them… my human beloveds and the TREES. It is magical to let in all moments of goodness and feeling alive, especially in love, especially immersed in nature. ❤️

G and K in forest

I don’t think I’ve ever hugged a tree quite like I felt to yesterday. My heart chakra needed the nourishment, the cleansing, the feeling of giving and receiving love and healing energy with a tree… Several trees, actually! They all felt quite chatty and happy to have us with them.

I somehow felt them feeling the ripple of the Notre Dame burning too. They were reminding me/us that they deeply feel us, have compassion for every part of us, even though it’s not their process to feel through all that we do.

Trees see us and feel us, want to nurture and love us as much as we are willing and able to love them too. I’ve never felt this as strongly as I did yesterday. It’s like their consciousness and ability to communicate with us is upgrading just as ours is upgrading to communicate with them too.

I’m feeling in the moment that as trees continue to shake off their winter slumber, they are very much wanting to connect with each of us more.

They have much to impart to us about grounding into our beings, being who and where we are now even though this is bound to shift and change.

They offer messages of solidity in compassion and the potential of humanity to hold this compassionate flow consistently. They remind us that we have to be filled up first and that they are here to help with their clean energy flow and infinite connection to Mama Gaia Herself.

Maybe it’s a good moment to take in some tree love today or any day you choose… To let in non-judgement, infinite love, and an exquisite connection to the Divine in all Its forms and energies.

Much love!


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.


Letting In Gaia And Sun Codes

By Jelelle Awen

A bit of a spike in the Schumann/Gaia resonance frequency today after quietness for the last few days. The surge lasted for about four hours and looks to be moving UPward again as I am writing this….

shm (1)

After a powerful bridging session today with a very brave woman who really signed up to transmute a lot of fear into love this life, I went for a walk to our local regional park with my dog Koda to connect with Gaia. Saxe Point is walking distance from our beautiful new house, right on the coast here in Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canada. The park is on the water with a wonderful patch of forest there too.

I sat on a cliff overlooking the water and let the sun codes wash over me. The codes are different here than in Mexico and the sunlight is not as bright, hot, and activating. They are more soft here, caressing, inviting. Both are powerful in their own ways. I connected to the CME energies from yesterday, which felt penetrating yet fading.

I was in awe of Gaia’s beauty in that moment and I felt the stirring of my Metasoul aspect who lives in Inner Earth. Her name is Reina and I have been connecting with her for the last year. She is a wise women for her people, who were originally Lemurians who went underground when Atlantis fell. They have been living in vast Inner Earth cities since then. Reina’s consciousness merged with mine and we appreciated the warmth of sunlight and the sensation of breeze on our skin. She reminded me to be appreciative of being on the surface of Gaia, to soak in Her goodness whenever I can, and to respect and be in harmony with Her. After connecting with Her, I went home and passed out for a deep, rich, and wonderful nap where it feels like we did more connecting beyond my conscious mind.

I’ve been asked why I call Her “Gaia” rather than Earth. I feel Gaia is Her consciousness, which is ascending just as ours is. I feel Gaia represents Her Divine Mother expression and aspect as well. Divine Mother in planetary form as Mother Gaia. Gaia acknowledges that She is a living, conscious, sacred BEing. Earth feels more like Her 3D name that she moving out of….

I downloaded some more messages from Reina that I’ll be sharing soon, especially related to frequencies that have been coming from Inner Earth recently and how they are impacting Gaia’s magnetic field. All for the purpose of ongoing ascension and awakening! All for the purpose of love!

This is a quick guided meditation I did at a lake near here offering Lemurian frequencies and light language….I feel to do one in Saxe Point soon too! https://youtu.be/_yKWe2YtFNc

Pics are of the codes I let in today….in this one of me I can see Reina’s features coming through mine!


Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions to experience parts of yourself and Metasoul aspects from your soul too! More info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions

Energy Waves Inviting NEW Alchemy From Inner Work

by Kalayna Colibri

So many energy waves coming in recently that are wanting to give us more energy for dreaming, intending, and taking action steps too towards what it is we most want. There’s an invitation into a deeper trust within too. A trust in the goodness that waits on the other side of even some painful processes of having to say “no” to what we don’t want and/or completing with different jobs or relationships that just aren’t aligning with who we are becoming anymore. It’s been about a week or so, it feels like, of harvesting from seeds sown long ago, yet also planting new ones in new soil.

As Gaia’s frequency continues to rise up as reflected in all of these recent spikes in the Schumann resonance and so on, this seems to be laying new ground for us to stand on in many ways! We have NEW opportunities to plant ourselves in that are more in alignment with our soul purpose work and NEW motivation to keep moving on and moving through whatever difficulties are arising. This may even show up as NEW ways to lean into others for support too or to begin offering support to others in a more active and engaged way, whatever that may look like for you. You get to choose the nourishment of co-creation and collaboration with resonant others if it feels like time for you… and you get to wonder why it may not feel like the phase for this for you personally and check in with your parts to see what resistances may be there around it.

This sense of new ground arising is a result of ‘composting’ the ‘old’… dedicating your healing within and shedding layers that no longer feel like you as parts of you let you feel them and move more into health than injury, more into dharma than drama and a healthy integration into your unique expression of wholeness and ‘I’-ness. This has been an intense and churning process often times, just as new compost must be churned and in some cases, burned, in order to integrate into the new soil and add nutrients and life to it. There’s nothing in the multi-verse that can ever disappear, just change state. And so, your pain has the chance to be recycled and added back in as an expression of the renewed you – more alive, more present, more trusting, more genuinely loving, more human, and more spiritual too.

Perhaps it’s time for your new soul soil to be laid and planted in. Energy waves moving through are inviting you to feel what you REALLY want and to be with the process of its manifestation, in all of its ups and downs, challenges and easy flow too. ❤

Much love! ❤


My beloveds and I would so love to hold space for you if you’re looking for support during these times. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions for more information.


Photo by Yeshi Kangrang via unsplash.com


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.

Welcome To The Upside-Down, The Birthing Of Golden Earth: SoulFullHeart Weekly Museletter (Nov 19, 2018)

It’s the release of our weekly Museletter! Offering ALL of our writings, videos, events, healing offerings, and audio blogs for the week. Go read it here!

“This is a time of expecting the unexpected. Situations both politically and environmentally that will not follow former historical patterns.”

Gabriel Heartman invites us to feel the intense current events happening globally as an aspect of what he calls the ‘upside-down’, where not much makes the sense it used to make, and yet it’s all part of the process of birthing Golden/New Earth.

He offers that with everything occurring, the time has never been riper to go inward and be with the reactions and pain that is surfacing:

“There is a tsunami that is on our shores and that is Love. It does destroy and it does upend. It is meant to as what is Not Love can only ever be returned to that which Is Love. This is about feeling inside of you where the Not Love lives and bringing this Love Wave to it.”

We have two new videos this week from SoulFullHeart Facilitator, Kalayna Colibri. The first one invites you to join Kalayna as she vulnerably brings some important aspects of her most recent process and celebrates being once again available to hold space for others.

In the second video, Kalayna shares Divine Feminine frequencies moving through on this particular day when the Divine Mother/Feminine energies were high, via her heart and soul as well as the beautiful natural setting surrounding her in Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada. She also shares a precious message from Divine Mother about leadership and birthing into your Service-Of-Love Self.

There are several new writings and audio blog recordings from Kalayna, Gabriel, and Raphael and Jelelle Awen. They invite you this week to digest a few energy updates and take in new perspectives on current events such as Thanksgiving Day. There are also several deep messages offered from the Divine about personal process and leadership grounds opening up.

There will be a SoulFullHeart retreat taking place February 15-19, 2019 in Victoria, BC, Canada. If you’re interested in coming, please visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com/events for more information.

1:1 Galactic Activation Sessions with Jelelle are available for booking. They are a $55 USD minimum donation for 75-90min and will involve checking in with your parts and Metasoul/Galactic Aspects, helping you reunite with your Star Family, activating your Ascension Chakra vortexes, and much more… email soulfullhearts@gmail.com to book. For more information, visit: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/galacticsessions

Raphael, Jelelle, Gabriel, and Kalayna (Kalayna is available to serve women 25 and under) offer 1:1 90min Bridging Sessions to help boost and digest your Ascension process and feel with you what your next steps are towards your highest timeline possibilities. These sessions are available for $55 USD minimum donation per session. More information can be found here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/bridging-session

We love to share our offerings with you and would enjoy receiving whatever heart donation in the form of money you feel that resonates with our offerings. You can go to our donation page for more info on how to donate: http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/donations

Thank you so much for your interest in and support of SoulFullHeart Way of Life! If you’d like to receive these Museletters directly and automatically in your email every week, you can subscribe on our website at: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/writingmuseletters

Check out the latest Museletter here.