Supermoon Energy: Self-Acceptance/Love While Soberly Looking Within

by Kalayna Colibri

“With masks down, I walk, talking to the moon, to the neutral impersonal force that does not hear, but merely accepts my being.” – Sylvia Plath

The moon supports life on earth. She represents the Divine Mother while the Sun represents the Divine Father. They move in concert with each other, both bringing us into life, both very much with all of us as we walk through life. Both offer us codes, frequencies to integrate, vibrations of love that help us see ourselves and where we need to go next, as well as how far we’ve already come.

This Supermoon today brings us this message of love. Of a self-embracement and growing sense of self-love and appreciation for where and who we are right now, for this place, this being, is not where or who we’ll be forever. We all have more layers to see that need healing, that need our sober eye to look at them, but that need our love more than anything else. Loving others isn’t a mandate, it’s an opportunity that arises from the love we have within.

The Supermoon always feels intimate to me. It’s Mother giving us more illumination of our shadow, but the biggest piece that I think is always in our shadow, is the denial of love from ourselves to ourselves. The lens that tells us that love is scarce and that we have to do an awful lot to really earn the right to be loved and to feel loved. We are being invited to feel how love for ourselves has been conditional and to start feeling how destructive and harmful this is… not just because it harms parts of us that need us, but because it is does ultimately impact everyone around us too. The seeds of love have to be planted in the heart-garden within. Then we can show up with love for and with each other form the flourishing harvest that results.

“Can you start to love what has felt unlovable? Can you take care of all you’ve been given, all challenging situations, all parts of your heart and aspects of your soul, all areas of your sacred human body? Can you begin to see how you’ve withheld love and care for others because of insecurity, a feeling of lack of love within? Can you, will you, begin to look at what’s been neglected, even the harsh voices and parts within you, that need you more than anything else? More than more yoga, more than more food, more than more of anything material or physical or mental you could offer to help it feel temporarily better?” These are the questions I feel these energy waves offering today… these are the places I feel we are being invited to go within, to start the open-hearted investigation into who we all are in this now… and to begin to feel who and how we most want to be going forward, especially with ourselves.

This is going in very much on a personal level for me too in the moment, feeling appreciation for where my journey has led me and what is yet to open out. A new phase of Queen is arising as I move into ‘married life’ on a soul and heart level with Gabriel. I feel this Queen energy arising in relationship to my body, to service of love through SoulFullHeart, to Gabriel my beloved, to my other beloveds and most intimate relationships, to any crucibles that come my way in my own healing process. I feel how the Supermoon energies support King and Queenness to arise more through this process of deepening self-love for all who are ready to let that invitation in. It’s very much a time for deepening personal process yet the process of connection with others and service of love too in this collective we are all a part of.

Much love to you as you feel all of this with your own heart and parts!


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Gabriel: Rebirthing And Arising King Of Heart… Happy Birthday!

by Kalayna Colibri

I don’t think we will ever fully understand this unraveling mystery of us… our connection that somehow keeps opening out, even with moments of tension, fear, and remembering the poignancy of what we have together. We have walked out many crucibles individually and as a couple too, including years of moving through different forms and depths of connection in our relationship together.

I feel how far we’ve come… how far you’ve come as a leader, a King-man, a lover, and heartist, and how that keeps everything alive! You’re in a new phase of really wearing your crown and showing up as the WayShower through the shadowland that you ARE. I have never met anyone who loves their shadow more than you, beloved. You have been so courageous and willing to keep going in and not faltering in that quest. I deeply admire and love you. I feel my parts appreciating your light and your encouragement, overflowing from the ways in you love love and encourage your own parts to keep showing up and keep feeling. Your beacon is lighting up… your inner space is broadening to let in more of those you’re meant to serve through this being that you are and keep becoming more of every single day.

For you… ❤️

Built on impermanent sands this castle is

Phase after glorious phase

With frolicking roses and the tallest trees,

Fertile ground for fruitful bounty

Of where lovers hearts can go together.

Foraging love from each bush and channel

Each shadowed branch

From seeds unknown

Brings new mystery to this USness

We have only just discovered

Has more depth

Than we could have known

In previous lifetimes in THIS lifetime!

With expanding wings,

glistening crown,

And elaborate shell,

Your eagle King

And turtle monk

Serve love with you

In all moments

And each turn of your heart-light

Toward the new and renewed.

I am honoured

And in deep admiration

Of the man that is you…

Thank you…

For all you are

All you will be

And all you call for me to see in me too.

I love you! ❤️🔥

Happy Birthday!




Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

For Raphael Awen: Happy Birthday! Thank You For YOUR Love…

by Kalayna Colibri

R bday collage 2017


Every young part of my heart

ached for the love of a man like you.

A man in quasi-father-figure-ness

also unafraid of his sexuality

and his shadow

who could “see” me/us

with no lecherous intent

however buried.


Your love

is like water…

for my rose garden

of young femininity

that is somehow

ancient too.


Your capacity

to hold and BE so much

PURE love

comes from so much


inner healing

courageous choices

and the deepest feeling spaces

that only a true King

can feel and inhabit

and live in…


You pick up where fathers

and mates

have left off

and help me

pick up the pieces

and parts

that have needed love like yours.


When my heart says ‘thank you’

to you today,

it knows

I couldn’t be healing all of this

without YOU,

with the YOU that you have cultivated

the YOU that loves so deep

and cares so much.


Thank you for being

the jarring voice

of deep masculine love.


Thank you for being

the father-surrogate

my youth has needed

in all loves frequencies you carry.


Thank you for showing

and demonstrating

how a healing

loving woman

should ask

and wait

and hold out for

the most exquisite overflow

of love

from a mate.


And thank you…

most of all…

for being unabashedly YOU,

whatever that means in moments

and however that changes with process

and shifting desire-choices…





Revealing Our Inner King


What is it you are truly desiring as a man? The answer to that question is multi-layered and conflictual because there are different parts and aspects of us that are vying for the manifestation of these desires. This can create a maddening or flattening energy. Sometimes what we believe we want is a smokescreen for something even deeper that changes the storyline of the one you are currently writing. And that can be scary stuff to the parts so invested in the what has been comfortable even in its uncomfortability.

What if what you truly want is so big that you are almost blind to it by the fear of what all that means? Going down the corridors of our true passion and desires can mean upending some strongly held beliefs and expectations. YET…does staying in this status quo really serve anything other than your own passion’s demise?

I, along with Raphael Awenl, are so amped, juiced, and ready to serve those men that are ready to take their spirituality to a different universe altogether. One that blends so many possibilities into one gestalt. You just can’t find that anywhere that I know of. Accessing the emotional body takes us on a journey to clear a path to our spiritual awakening that traverses multiple timelines that can integrate so much of our beyond recognizable potential. Takes us to worlds we felt were separate from us as opposed to actually BEing us.

It is more than just healing we are advocating for. It is going beyond that healing to access our true divinity within to create a world that we have chosen to forget we could create so we can learn something new and remember our way back. That is a mouthful but feels really true. It is not THE truth, just one that we are choosing to play with as we continue to unfold this puppy one felt experience at a time.

We will be discussing the emotional body and out it lives out in men in our next group call this Saturday. There will be a meditation to have you meet your emotional body to begin a dialogue with it that begins a whole new ground for relating to yourself and what you thought was you but is really a part of a bigger you.

If you feel you are ready to just take one step to see if it leads to the next then please join us for a new emerging timeline that bring men together in a way that we feel has far reaching effects among the collective, the feminine, and Gaia. I look forward to seeing you there and what can happen in the space between us.

You can visit the following links for more information:


Gabriel Heartman is an emoto-spiritual teacher, men’s facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at


The Flight of the Angel King




Spread your wings my Gaia born angel son

Release those weakening Earth worn binds

That keep you anchored, torn, and done

Feel the lift from within your effervescent spirit

That sings loud and proud of your childhood days

Where the only things that truly mattered

Were the things that mattered not

Taste the bittersweet tears of moments passed

Of the pain that was buried deep inside

The part that protected you from receiving more

Than what you could dare to bare.  

You have been saved for this particular time

This unique love sworn moment

To inhabit all you were meant to be

In the quest for the infinite sea

Join in union within your battled scars

The mating call of your deepest desire

The road less traveled yet traveled far

To the greatest heights of the Heart´s burning fire.

Take that golden chalice my glory sown king

To the shores of your not so distant brothers

Shine the destined light of days yet still forgotten

The time when love reigned and beauty retained

Call to your heavenly and star crossed Queen

With the poems of your deepest passion

The song of your strengthening yet still fragile heart

That opens the gateway to a universe henceforth unseen

This is your only duty, my son

The only reason to BE

Open that magical door of your once hidden heart

To days of unknown treasures and uniting the souls of HE.  


Gabriel Heartman is a teacher, men’s facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

From Sword to Chalice: The Journey of the King of Hearts


By Raphael Awen

If there’s one thing about a King, in our minds at least, he does what he wants, when he wants.

He is anything but small.

In our deepest heart-picture of this King, he knows the greatest fulfillments possible because he is a benevolent King. He rules with the best interests of all in his Kingdom. And in this way, the heart of the King, extends to his Queen, which kindles a hearth, and this hearth-warmth extends beyond to fill the entire Kingdom. Wealth and bounty are the results.

This idealized picture is more than a picture. It is a way of being that anyone who wants to can tune into and play in and on the instrument of their lives.

And it’s not gender specific. There is nothing quite so powerful and beautiful as a woman who knows her own inner King. She knows the ‘he’ of her ‘she’.

This true King of hearts however didn’t end up here simply by being lazily born into something. No, life brought him a very individual and specific-to-him set of circumstances that he navigated from the bridge of his heart when there seemed like nothing to gain and everything to lose. In fact, he’s lost many things and many times, more than once excruciatingly so.

One of the first things he had to let go of by way of deep loss was the fight for what was right and the need to be right to instead allow his feeling heart to sort out what was truly right on a far deeper scale than a moral dictate. In this way, great internal conflicts had to be faced and felt, navigated and negotiated to arrive here at peace with self. His outer kingdom is only and ever a reflection of the pursuit of his own inner kingdom. His entitlements are really his ‘in’-titlements. He’s found all he’s found through his own heart. No one had to be made any less for him to know his more. And no one or no thing can take away what he’s possessed.

The heart of the King is a place of rest now from fighting for anything where peace now reigns, and all subjects in his kingdom can feel an unmistakable emanation of that peace. The sword has been replaced by the chalice.

All of us, male and female, can know this inner King state. Arriving here is a way of being and is the result of a desired and decreed journey of the heart that you choose yourself, for you and by you. After all, you are the sovereign of your own heart and your inner Kingdom and your inner Queendom extend to all you know, and beyond to those you don’t yet know. This outer reflection of others matching the inner reflection of the discovery and peace that now exists between all parts of yourself…

And somehow, in this magical YOUniverse, there is no shortage of space for everyone’s Kingdom. The presence of yours is not to the detriment of mine. You having all you want and need and desire, no matter how large and grand, is not at my expense in any way. In fact, the opposite is true in this infinitely abundant reality. Abundance flows from this Kings heart. There’s actually way more than can ever be needed or used. When I feel your real and true abundance, your heart bounty…it triggers my own, more and more.

Our challenge has gone from not having to having. What in the world will you do with all this? Your task has now changed from seeking what you want and need to finding a place to share your bounty.

Who could have imagined when you set out in this journey, feeling so pressed by what felt missing, that this would be your ending? How could such unrest and an urge to fight lead to such peace and rest? The timelines have merged. The fight has collapsed into love.

You found you. You let in you. It was no small undertaking, but my god, was it ever worth the entire journey…

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Please visit for more information and inspiration.

Kings of Heart: Arising of the Sacred Masculine Blog Series

blog series

‘You can be the captain

And I will draw the chart

Sailing into destiny

Closer to the heart”

Lyrics from Closer to the Heart by Rush

This moment we all find ourselves in is extraordinary.  We are in the midst of a great awakening from all that we have been asleep to.  We are being exposed to more light codes, rising vibrations, and a thinning of the veil between dimensions.  These are all meant to assist us on the next phase of our journey with Mother Gaia and our own growth as a soul toward more and more remembrance as our essence of Love.  Much is discussed about our general human relationship to ascension, all of the ebbs and flows, ups and downs, but it feels important to feel into our dualistic expression as male and female to see how it can affect how we experience and engage in these energies.

At the core we are All One.  But we chose to partake in the dual as a way to experience Love as Other.  To be a conduit for Love to experience itself in its infinite possibility.  In that dual state we chose to learn in a more masculine or feminine form.  The lessons and challenges are the same on a very human level but there are others that lend themselves more specifically to one or the other.  This is the path we chose to walk out.  

This is a time of a great rebalancing on Mother Gaia.  There has been an over abundance of wounded masculine, or Yang, energy that has served as a wake up call to our need to balance with the more Sacred Feminine.  This energy exists in both men and women, however has been more energized in the male form. I do not judge Yang energy as negative.  It is vital to all of life and is sacred in its purest and most healed expression.  There was a purpose behind this disequilibrium.  It will all be more understood as the nature of our “past” and “future” find themselves in our current state of NOW.  There feels to be a connection to our Atlantean and Lemurian inheritance that may be at play here.  At least that is how it is coming to me in my personal discovery with my guides.  It is all play here and part of the masculine healing is to feel and engage in intuition, while taking in what has already been learnt about this dimension.  

During this “time” of great peace and abundance, there was a more balanced male.  Leaders and creators of great reverence and wisdom, co-creating in tandem with the feminine.  Somewhere there was great influence by more negatively polarized BEings that caused a shift in consciousness that brought the end of this civilization.  The psychic grid lowered in density and thus the veil emerged to eclipse the conscious memory of what once was (and still is).  However, its legacy lives on in our DNA.  We have been affected by that time, I believe, as well as numerous others.  In our masculine expression, we lost something so near and dear to us.  In the collective male psyche, I am exploring the ways in which we may have a suppressed emotive digestion of all that happened and how that has influenced our 3D experience.  The theme, or archetype, is that of The Fallen King.   

In honoring of the lyrics I posed at the beginning I want to bring this “closer to the heart”.  Even if the Atlantis piece doesn’t resonate I feel this theme does.  At least it does for me and I believe I am here to explore it more and with those that feel it too.  There is a particular feeling tone that brings it to the surface of our emotional body.  It may come out as shame, guilt, control, fear, judgment, aggression, and depression.  As the energies I mentioned earlier increase, the “oil” of these repressed emotions and memories will surface.  The question is, how do we as men respond to this influx of emotion that is currently underway?  How do we see ourselves as leaders and co-creators in this dawning Age of Golden Earth?  How do we relate to the Sacred Feminine as the vehicle for our ascending Sacred Masculine?  Where is it that needs healing to fully inhabit this new role similar to, but different from, our intra-dimensional experience?  

These are all questions that I want to explore myself and have you join me in.  I am not an expert on Atlantis and am being guided to feel more than research but I am certainly open to whatever you feel may be of importance.  As part of the healing community called SoulFullHeart I will be using that lens to bring this topic into heart focus.  We are in an epic time and I feel we are on a journey together.  A journey of exploring,  remembering, and experiencing ourselves beyond the limited consciousness we have found ourselves in and are currently awakening to. The feminine is imperative on this journey so I encourage you all to join along.  It is through your heart and soul that we rise again and seek co-creative “power with” through your Yin nature.  Together as men may we arise to embody our Kings of Heart.    

Gabriel Heartman is a teacher, facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  You can learn more about him at