Gabriel: Rebirthing And Arising King Of Heart… Happy Birthday!

by Kalayna Colibri

I don’t think we will ever fully understand this unraveling mystery of us… our connection that somehow keeps opening out, even with moments of tension, fear, and remembering the poignancy of what we have together. We have walked out many crucibles individually and as a couple too, including years of moving through different forms and depths of connection in our relationship together.

I feel how far we’ve come… how far you’ve come as a leader, a King-man, a lover, and heartist, and how that keeps everything alive! You’re in a new phase of really wearing your crown and showing up as the WayShower through the shadowland that you ARE. I have never met anyone who loves their shadow more than you, beloved. You have been so courageous and willing to keep going in and not faltering in that quest. I deeply admire and love you. I feel my parts appreciating your light and your encouragement, overflowing from the ways in you love love and encourage your own parts to keep showing up and keep feeling. Your beacon is lighting up… your inner space is broadening to let in more of those you’re meant to serve through this being that you are and keep becoming more of every single day.

For you… ❤️

Built on impermanent sands this castle is

Phase after glorious phase

With frolicking roses and the tallest trees,

Fertile ground for fruitful bounty

Of where lovers hearts can go together.

Foraging love from each bush and channel

Each shadowed branch

From seeds unknown

Brings new mystery to this USness

We have only just discovered

Has more depth

Than we could have known

In previous lifetimes in THIS lifetime!

With expanding wings,

glistening crown,

And elaborate shell,

Your eagle King

And turtle monk

Serve love with you

In all moments

And each turn of your heart-light

Toward the new and renewed.

I am honoured

And in deep admiration

Of the man that is you…

Thank you…

For all you are

All you will be

And all you call for me to see in me too.

I love you! ❤️🔥

Happy Birthday!




Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

The Pain Of Letting Go Into Love

By Raianna Shai

Letting go is one of the hardest processes we go to through in our lives. Whether it’s letting go of a career, a pattern/habit, a geography, or a relationship it can bring up so much for us to process. Letting go is so much harder than holding on.

Parts of us can judge us for our decision – feeling that you made a mistake, that you hurt or disappointed someone, that you did something wrong or will regret your decision. The best thing to do here is to feel compassion for this part. Give it love knowing that it just wants the best for you and it may be scared that it couldn’t protect you from this pain you may feel.

Letting go is painful but it also leads to a beautiful new beginning. Maybe you get that new job you always wanted or a geography that inspires your heart and soul. Maybe you get the chance at a new phase of an old relationship or a new one that reflects the love you have cultivated inside.

It can feel like you’re dying inside during this process. Like you’ll never feel happy or be yourself again. Or maybe you feel hurt and angry and find it hard to feel why it’s all happening, especially if it felt out of your control. Maybe you can’t feel anything or you can’t stop feeling everything.

And sometimes it comes in waves. A comment here or a reminder there can spark tears at the drop of a hat. Then you have a moment of clarity, a moment of knowing it will all be okay. Then you feel the guilt or the shame and it all comes crumbling back down. These are all parts of you that have reasons for feeling the way they do. Feel the pain, but let the clarity and love hold it all.

Whatever you feel there is always another side of it. A realization waiting to happen. A new love for yourself and life will start to creep in. A new view on what you have and what you want to have will fill your heart and inspire you.

All this can happen if you truly let go. Let go of expectations, let go of judging yourself or others, let go of what others might think of you. Mourn the loss, mourn what could have been and the goodness of what was and then let love fill the space. As hard as that may sound right now, it will come. Whether it takes days, months or years it will come and it will be beautiful.

Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and social media maven for SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, community, etc. Return LOVE in money form: or visit our Patreon page to become a monthly supporter:

Processing Rage Into Passion With Care

By Kalayna Colibri

Rage sometimes pours out like volcanic lava, ready to burn and melt down, create a reset or reboot as it moves through. We’re barely into 2019, yet already we are feeling what it’s pushing up… more to look at within, more to feel rage at but then find the real hurt and vulnerability underneath it. Anger and the parts that feel it need to be validated. It’s meant to help elucidate what isn’t ok anymore, what needs boundaries set around it, and what needs shifting in any area of your life.

Rage can also become an addiction, like anything else. It can be used by parts of you to self-medicate and avoid feeling vulnerability. It can also be used to avoid feeling others and your impact on them, which, even though they may answer your anger with their own and not seem impacted in a deeper way, they have been… as have you. Your anger has impact on your parts too, especially the ones that do feel more hurt and sadness, self-consciousness, ache for love.

There’s nothing to control here, but there’s a ton to feel and keep feeling. There are so many questions to keep asking. The fire of anger and frustration is needed in phases of awakening and moving forward in your life, yet ultimately it wants to be transmuted into passion and taken in the direction of creation, not destruction. The direction of love… heart-centered and fulfilling.

We cannot skip this step of truly feeling it and getting the good stuff on the other side of it. There’s so much it needs to rumble with yet also so much it needs to shift into as the dust and ashes settle on the new ground being birthed within. The rageful warrior inside holds an invitation to move into a role of ambassador of heart and soul, dropping the sword and baring the heart. This is important to remember, even as the fire burns you up from the inside and wants to spread into your outer world too.

There is ultimately no ‘other’, even when you feel opposition. And if that’s really true… there is always a ton of reflection to take in and be with, get real about, and start loving from these increasingly passionate places within.


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Energies Support Journey Into Deepest Wants & Needs

by Kalayna Colibri

Feels like timelines are shifting around again now as more of what you don’t want comes to light and more of what you do actually enters your field, almost simultaneously, though this might be hard for parts of you to see. It’s not a time for over-focusing on results so much as being with the process of it all, step by step, feeling in each moment what you want and don’t want and the clarity of why and where these wants are coming from is showing up as well. Even starting to go here with parts of you may feel tense as admitting to wants, desires, and needs, especially those that aren’t being met currently, brings a rumble into every area of your life and parts of you that worked hard to keep the ground from rumbling are afraid of what the outcome could be.

It’s a lot for parts of you, especially parts that have worked diligently and tirelessly to keep you safe and protected, such as your Inner Protector, to admit that they too have wants and needs and cannot deny themselves these feelings any longer. If you’re starting to feel these sorts of rumblings, there’s an opportunity to build a heart-rail within, a fireplace for the fire that wants to create change and transformation in your inner and outer life and awareness. This is a time when you can choose to be with yourself, to give space for what’s arising and see what’s coming through, heeding the alchemy of it and the changes that are being invited into your life and healing process.

My Star Family is offering to me to share that this is all leading somewhere much more nourishing. As each intense phase of our Ascension comes through, we find ourselves in more scenarios where we need ourselves more than ever, where transcending how parts of us feel isn’t working anymore, and the new flow of love within becomes the life blood for changing our hearts, bodies, and souls over to the reality of less tolerance for anything that is not love while being willing to be in the messiness of feeling and navigating this. To continue to trust that this is all worth it is all we can ask of ourselves and work towards deepening with parts of us who feel overwhelmed by it all… this is the continued journey of maturation as a species on all levels.

There is so much support from Love to continue feeling and being, even when it’s necessary to take action and move into some further steps that often involve saying ‘no’ to some things and ‘yes’ to others while setting boundaries and feeling through what’s needed and wanted in each moment. Even moments of feeling lonely or as if something is missing or left-of-centre for you in any area of your life, there is a constant flow of alchemy that is asking you to feel this and let in this reality, to be courageous enough to be with it and have a relationship with it as it transmutes and ascends along with you into all of those desired higher-dimensional frequencies.

If you feel the need for support, you can so reach out to myself or my beloveds for Bridging Sessions. More details here:

Much love!


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Creating Space For Love & Truth Within: A Poem

by Kalayna Colibri

Find that purchase of space in your heart
To truly let that truth of yours in.

The truth your parts hold back
Out of fear of losing
And the fear of the love that could come in.

It’s a process of feeling
The spaces and places that have been hard to feel.

It’s a phase of awakening
To what has been avoided
Even with the sense that the collapse
Leads inevitably to a rebuilding
And a letting in of more than you’ve ever imagined.

It’s time in this sacred Now
To go where parts of you don’t feel they can go.
To feel the pain of the trauma
That hasn’t been safe to feel. 
The fear of your pain’s alchemy
And capacity to deeply change your life,
Your heart,
Your entire being
Is a real thing
And unfolds the rarity
And uniqueness
Of the heart you most deeply have.

Resurrect that sense of love
The knowing of the love that you are
And let it guide your next journey’s steps
Into the unknown and uncontrollable
Awakening to the more compassionate,
And love-serving you
That no one can give you
Except you.

Find that buy-in, that investment
In the truth of your being
To truly let yourself be moved
In the way your soul 
Has always intended.



Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Inspiration, Transformation, and Meditation: SoulFullHeart Weekly Museletter (Dec 31, 2018)

It’s the release of our weekly Museletter! Offering ALL of our writings, videos, events, healing offerings, and audio blogs for the week. Go read it here!

This week we feature a very special offering from Jelelle Awen. This month she is releasing daily videos for her Deepen series and they are completely free to take in. You can find the videos on this week’s Museletter as well as on our YouTube channel: SoulFullHeart Experience and Jelelle’s Facebook feed. The featured article today is a summary of Jelelle’s first video from this series: a intro to the intention and overall concept of it.

In Jelelle’s words about this series: “I hope you can join me for the series and possibly the group sessions too! My intention is that this series offers a powerful and transformative bridge to a richer and deeper experience of your inner world, parts and aspects of your self and soul, Star Family, Divine Mother and Father, ascension chakra activation, 5D and higher frequencies, access to timelines such as Lemuria and Atlantis and MUCH more!!”

The first 3 days of Deepen are available for you to take in this week, each complete with a powerful guided meditation to help you feel into your highest timeline possibilities and ground them into your reality and to connect with different parts of you, especially your Inner Protector.

There a several new articles from Jelelle, Gabriel Heartman, Kalayna Colibri, Raianna Shai, and a new blog author who is a current SoulFullHeart Facilitant, Devon Heart Star. Catch up on some energy updates, invitations into your own process, ways to feel the incoming energies and digestions of what 2019 is set to activate and bring.

Jelelle, Gabriel, and Kalayna (Kalayna is available to serve women 25 and under) offer 1:1 90min Bridging Sessions to help boost and digest your Ascension process and feel with you what your next steps are towards your highest timeline possibilities. These sessions are available for $55 USD minimum donation per session. More information can be found here:

We love to share our offerings with you and would enjoy receiving whatever heart donation in the form of money you feel that resonates with our offerings. You can go to our donation page for more info on how to donate:

Thank you so much for your interest in and support of SoulFullHeart Way of Life! If you’d like to receive these Museletters directly and automatically in your email every week, you can subscribe on our website at:

Check out the latest Museletter here.

Recent Relationship Shake-Ups Bring Healing, Awakening, Expansion: SoulFullHeart Weekly Museletter (Dec 24, 2018)

It’s the release of our weekly Museletter! Offering ALL of our writings, videos, events, healing offerings, and audio blogs for the week. Go read it here!

This week, our featured article is from SoulFullHeart Facilitator, Kalayna Colibri, who offers us an energy update for the current wave of energies following the previous intense wave that really invited us to look at our relationships to ourselves and each other:

“It feels in some ways like an earthquake rattled through our consciousness and our lives, awakening and activating but also offering us ways in which to be with everything that was moving and being illuminated within us and within our relationships. ‘Letting go to let in’ yet above all, ‘let arise’, has been the theme for all relationships…”

She goes on to say that now is a time to take stock and go within to be with what was shaken up and make choices regarding next steps and how to be with it all.

Kalayna Colibri and Gabriel Heartman gave us a live stream to tune into on this year’s Winter Solstice. They offered a digestion of the energies coming in from the Winter SOULstice and also a guided meditation to connect with your inner “winter cabin” where you can be with your parts and your heart, as well as the energies of Magdalene/Christ Consciousness.

Jelelle Awen has officially released her video launching her 33 Day ‘Deepen’ series which starts January 1st! In this video, she shares the inspiration and intention of the series. The series runs from January 1, 2019 until February 2. She is also hosting two separate virtual digestion groups during the series which you can attend for an $11 minimum USD donation. For more info, visit

There are a few new articles and audio recordings to take in this week from Jelelle, Gabriel, and Kalayna. They offer energy updates and digestions as well as invitations into the themes of 2019 and a sweet Christmas message! 🙂

Jelelle, Gabriel, and Kalayna (Kalayna is available to serve women 25 and under) offer 1:1 90min Bridging Sessions to help boost and digest your Ascension process and feel with you what your next steps are towards your highest timeline possibilities. These sessions are available for $55 USD minimum donation per session. More information can be found here:

We love to share our offerings with you and would enjoy receiving whatever heart donation in the form of money you feel that resonates with our offerings. You can go to our donation page for more info on how to donate:

Thank you so much for your interest in and support of SoulFullHeart Way of Life! If you’d like to receive these Museletters directly and automatically in your email every week, you can subscribe on our website at:

Check out the latest Museletter here.

Dive Into Feeling To Experience More Love

By Kalayna Colibri

When I think back to even my childhood this life, I have always found aliveness in feeling. In having emotions. In experiencing the container of life holding my ups and downs, ins and outs, waves of despair and waves of bliss. I have always been emotional.

What a gift it is, to have tools that help you go inward and support from Divine love to continue to do so. It’s in times of deep process yet also times of profound bliss (that truly come on the other side of deep process), when I most feel love and loved. Even with sobbing tears complete with wailing cries and runny nose, I feel loved. I feel held. I feel the growing container of me, held by the ever-expanding container of pure love, always accessible though not always easy to let in.

I’m sharing this today because there continues to be a need for an advocacy for feeling. Even if you end up feeling so much that you need a day in bed. Or a week on the couch. Or an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s. Love wants to move mountains in your life and simply can’t help you heal and change and flow aligned WITH it if the parts of you that most need you continue to be suppressed.

The machinations of this suppression come from other parts of you and these parts learned to live this way because of the company you keep and have kept, the culture you were born into, the choices you have made in all areas of your life. None of it is ‘wrong’… but all of it can be looked at and felt through with an open and curious heart.

The thrum of the message to ‘keep feeling’ runs wildly through our collective and the collective within you. Every Rubicon has another side to it. Every bridge can be built, even over vast feeling flows that have an intense momentum and feel as if you’re going to drown inside of them. Every single moment of feeling has value… and being in the moment today, actually means being willing to feel in every single moment, the uniqueness of your feelings, your parts, your soul aspects, and how they are processing or filtering life.

To actually begin deeply feeling, means to sign up for falling in love… with your own heart, soul, and parts. It means your life as you know it cannot stay the same (for long). It means you will be moved to higher heights and deeper depths than you’ve been able to imagine and a life you truly love living and ascending through!

Much love to all of you taking this into your heart today! I wish you all the love you can let in… and much more too. ❤️


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

A Bridge From 12/12 To SOULstice, A Time For Reflection: SoulFullHeart Weekly Museletter (Dec 17, 2018)

It’s the release of our weekly Museletter! Offering ALL of our writings, videos, events, healing offerings, and audio blogs for the week. Go read it here!

This week we have a piece by Gabriel Heartman, where he invites us into our hearts and into a feeling space around this year’s Winter Solstice and what the energies of it are bringing for us all to feel into:

“This feels like a prime time to take a deep penetrative yet compassionate look at your life to feel what is flowing and humming, and what feels stuck and difficult to feel. It is a time for some self-reflection that will lead us all into the New Year of New Light. “

Gabriel has also written many other articles this week to help lead us all through this gateway of the aptly named Winter SOULstice. You can find these articles and their accompanying audio recordings on this Museletter as well!

Several new articles this week from Jelelle Awen, Kalayna Colibri, and Gabriel Heartman, containing energy updates and digestions of the Solstice energies, along with some feeling tones of the Divine Mother coming through.

SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator Jelelle Awen is hosting her annual video series offering guided meditations and teachings daily for 33 days. The series runs from January 1, 2019 until February 2. She is also hosting weekly digestion groups along with the series, for a $11 minimum USD donation. For more info, visit

1:1 Galactic Activation Sessions with Jelelle are available for booking. They are a $55 USD minimum donation for 75-90min and will involve checking in with your parts and Metasoul/Galactic Aspects, helping you reunite with your Star Family, activating your Ascension Chakra vortexes, and much more… email to book. For more information, visit:

Raphael, Jelelle, Gabriel, and Kalayna (Kalayna is available to serve women 25 and under) offer 1:1 90min Bridging Sessions to help boost and digest your Ascension process and feel with you what your next steps are towards your highest timeline possibilities. These sessions are available for $55 USD minimum donation per session. More information can be found here:

We love to share our offerings with you and would enjoy receiving whatever heart donation in the form of money you feel that resonates with our offerings. You can go to our donation page for more info on how to donate:

Thank you so much for your interest in and support of SoulFullHeart Way of Life! If you’d like to receive these Museletters directly and automatically in your email every week, you can subscribe on our website at:

Check out the latest Museletter here.

Being With Holiday Anxiety

By Kalayna Colibri

I feel the swirl and frenzy of the holiday season in moments and wonder what it would be like to go to a shopping mall right now and feel everyone more heart-centered, more honest even about who they are buying a Christmas gift for and why. It’s a dizzy dance right now for many souls as parts of each person finds their way into and through anxiety and pain that’s pushed up this time of year and intensified in moments by the pure energies of love coming in that actually want to help you see and heal all of it and be with the reasons why this pain has been there.

Maybe just for a moment today… if you do feel anxiety bubbling up about one thing or another (or even many things at once), find space, even minutes, to be with this energy and listen to it. Journal with it. Hear it, feel it, hold it. This part of you has been quelled and suppressed for a long time and needs you, needs somewhere to land. I feel for this and all parts of you being activated in their pain now. The Divine love streaming in feels you and these parts too. The invitation now and always is to simply be real. Even just with yourself. And feel.

It’s my sense of it that the unconscious buying, giving, and getting and even eating of this season is what leads into more of the same pain cycling through again and again, the same quandaries about love being real or not, the same feeling that this is just ‘normal’ and ‘how it is’ to be in life and in relationship with others without an awakening that this isn’t what’s ultimately true… just what has felt deeply true to the parts of you with this conditioning. You have the opportunity now and always to reach for new ways to be in life and in love, starting with that ever-precious and unfolding relationship within. You are the ‘Christ-child’ being born and reborn within. With so much power, so much lush love, so many new possibilities for being born and reborn into this world that needs your light and bigness.

Much love!


It’s in my heart and my beloveds’ hearts to model this new way of being with yourself and to support you in discovering it within too in a long-lasting, empowering and loving way… affordable, 1:1 sessions available now:


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at