Solar Eclipses Digestions & Activations

By Raphael and Jelelle Awen


The reverential AWEsomeness of the cosmos rushed over me and the Divine wonder of the configuration of our Universe as we took in the eclipse ‘show’ for a couple of hours via live feed.

During the eclipse it felt right for Raphael and I to be in our airbnb rental together, a cozy studio that we cleared the energy beforehand with a salt lamp, incense, set up a simple altar….as it was super windy on the beach here in Nazare, on the silver coast of Central Portugal. We were guided to be here on the coast to celebrate our recent wedding anniversary, the release of our book together, the birth of Divine Self Embodiment AND take in the eclipse.

The energies themselves kept building and building before the eclipse as well and I had a sense of that, plus overall uneasiness, intensity, calibration, and needing to ground, to be in sacred space, especially after driving here for a couple of hours yesterday. It reminds me of the anticipatory feelings when you take a plant medicine or psychedelic….excitement mixed with unknown mixed with some tension.

Every chakra and clair ability amplified prior to it within me and during it as well, which is why I advocated yesterday for being in an environment and with energies that resonate with you and what you want MORE of in your life, in your internal world and with others. Energies that are supportive of your larger and authentic being coming forward into expression.

As I digested the eclipse energies more with Divine Mother this morning, I felt how what was most interesting was the RELATIONSHIP that each soul/parts/aspects of people had with the eclipse. What their filters were going into it and then their digestion during/after as well.

Many souls had strong fear and darkness projection filters going on, avoided it altogether, didn’t want to take it in visually in any way and even warned others about it…felt it was inviting in darkness and entity attachments. In the reality they are coming from (which is sacred to them in this phase), the timelines where this was the sense of eclipses (esp in more primitive timelines) may be coming forward now for feeling and healing. Fear draws the reality of more fear on the ‘outside’ until it is met and answered by love and trust from within and with the Divine.

There were those souls who projected that the eclipse would result in a ‘grand saving’, a rapture, a dissolution of the false world and a sudden and abrupt sweeping into the New (in whatever their soul’s desire and picture is for that.) There was deep meaning projected onto the eclipse changing everything, often because of a hollow and empty feeling inside themselves in their own life experiences. Unfelt despair can so often be placed onto events outside of self for some relief rather than felt/used as a portal for more self love and Divine connection.

There were those souls who made it into an occasion to party, to be in a large crowd, to feel Unity in that way even while being less sensitive to the impact on themselves and their energies. And, the 3D mainstream view of ‘science’ explaining it all logically and yet admitting that it was a rare occurrence worthy of study.

It’s fascinating really, all the different filtering experiences and perceptions of the same event! It feels like the eclipse itself serves as a mirror for us all individually and collectively. It really shows how divergent humanity is right now with so many different timeline realities playing out on the Earth Plane as it ascends to Gaia consciousness and we do too. That divergence does create quite a schism, where groups of souls are really experiencing quite an altered and often polarized reality from each other.

The ultimate invitation that I felt from the eclipse was one of Unification….an occurrence of seemingly miraculous alignment designed and offered by the Divine to SHOW us and INVITE us to unite, to come together, and to be in surrender to something bigger than ourselves and our current life content, struggles, and issues. To move out of fusions to parts of us being right or being wrong, being evil or being righteous…to feel how sacred we ALL are as Divine children and human embodiments of the Divine.

These eclipse energies, which feel like they will be integrating for months/years to come, offer both an invitation to go deeply inward to know/feel/deepen with self….and a transmission of Unity/Oneness/connection with ALL That IS outside of self.

A deep compassion for humanity and where we are in this moment…in the sacred growth experience of divergence and somewhere deep inside parts of us aching for reunion…moves through when we open our hearts to feel it ALL with Divine Mother.

Love to you as you integrate, feel, and ground in these eclipse energies within your BEing,

Jelelle Awen

This was our favorite image from that we took…a screen shot from Nasa’s feed as offered through Fox News feed in which after totality a burst of the sun’s rays came through…light emerging out of the darkness.


There’s a feeling to this eclipse after the fact of being on the other side of all the anticipation and projections of what might occur, shifting now to the wonder, inquiry and digestion of what did happen.

This event, when felt through the heart, offers a big entry point and exit point into new realms of our being.

It’s kind of like 9/11 – everyone remembers where they were on that fateful day that was like a lightning strike to the tree of collective consciousness that we could only wonder what that would mean to life going forward.

I feel this surrender now into receiving something long awaited and yearned for. My mind is a bit tired even at the attempt to encapsulate it mentally, but my heart knows it received a big transmission and transmutation. A download if you will.

We each get to go beyond the projected fears and hype that was thrust onto this celestial event and feel what each part of us needs and wants in the new territory.

It was probably an eclipse like celestial event that heralded the birth of Yeshua. Culture works for millenniums after that to try and integrate it.

You are the Christ consciousness arising, even as parts of you feel nothing like that at all. That’s what and where you as your divine self comes in. You’re the digester, the integrator, the reconciler. Yeshua too was quite surprised and profoundly challenged to learn of what his soul had intended for him.

No part of you wants to be left behind. All of you wants to come along. You are the event, the totality, the dawning and the integration.

I’m feeling a personal piece of being reconnected with Divine Father after a many years long incubational rebirth period with Divine Mother. She’s passing me off it feels like, yet offering she goes nowhere.

I’m feeling an Old Testament scripture come back from memory offered to me and each of you. (Admittedly with a couple updated tweaks)

“Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the divine has arisen within you. Great darkness will cover many people, but my light now dawns inside of you.”

What does your full shining look and feel like? What’s been hidden in shadow that wants revealing? How can this come out without harm even though it may hurt?

Love to you as you hold it all. If my words offer a support to you, let me know and let’s see what a deepening connection might look and feel like together. 💚 I’ve been told that sweet new souls are washing up on my shores as I wash up on theirs.

For more information about 1:1 sessions, group events, books/videos visit

Energy Update: Solar Eclipse & Passage Offers Light Body Upgrades and Inner Sacred Union Reconciliation

By Jelelle Awen

This has been a transformational passage we’ve been in between the lunar eclipse two weeks ago and the total solar eclipse tomorrow as eclipse passages ALWAYS are! The churny and intense, sometimes uncomfortable and painful, energies of the lunar eclipse offered a pause/unplugging from the Matrix that worked at clearing out our wombs/haras/power centers. Clarities about our soul purpose, what to let go of in our lives that would serve them, and what possible next steps to take arose during this cycle.

As I’ve been connecting with the solar codes during the last couple of days of blessed winter sunshine, I’m experiencing them as more supportive, empowering, and overall easier to integrate and BE with. These sacred masculine codes offer important activations that allow you to take the next steps/make choices toward your higher timeline, perhaps revealed to you during the 11:11 portal.

The solar energies can’t be and have never been hijacked. The purity of the higher consciousness frequencies that stream in from our Physical Sun to the Cosmic/Quantum Great Central Sun and then into our Personal Sun/Stellar Gateway chakra (about two feet above our crown chakra) are undiluted, potent, and raw.

This is powerful FOOD for our soul, reminding us of our connection to the Divine, the TRUE Source of ALL life. As we receive this solar food, you may need less physical food in order to more deeply let it in. You may be finding that your appetite is just falling away and foods you previously wanted are falling away and a craving for more whole, real, pure plants/fruits is coming in. You may be feeling guided towards transitioning to vegetarian/vegan if you haven’t already as the killing frequencies are less tolerable to your system now.

I’ve been liquid fasting for the last week and I feel my consciousness rise as my cells empty out of any toxicities they’ve taken in during the last year of eating solid food (and some processed foods) to make more room for the good love food. I’ve done extended fasts before, up to 30 days last year, yet this current one has had the most ease to it and the most grace in terms of feeling into each moment what my body truly wants as nourishment. Supported by the beautiful nature, stillness, Mother Mary codes here in the mountains in Central Portugal, by my beloved community, by increasing service/sessions with beautiful souls, and deeply, so deeply, held by the Divine….I am finding that ANY hungers are quickly, readily answered by love.

There aren’t any feelings of deprivation or missing anything or not being allowed to have something. There is a deeper sense of infinite abundance being available to be ‘fed’ from whenever I want to access and digest it. This is supported by a few hours a day of doing yoga, deep pranayama/breathing, meditation/drop in with aspects/parts, prayer with the Divine.

I’ve mentioned before that I have been guided to eventually transition this life to living on love/prana/light and off physical food. I’ve remembered and connected in my Metasoul to soul aspects who lived like this for many years in bliss and ease. There have also been other aspects who died of starvation so this has been important to feel and heal as well. This feels like another phase of that transition to living on light for which I get to experience an alternative to the plugged in/programmed in way we have been enslaved by meal cycles, manufactured food buying/preparing, and all that.

Whatever phase you are in your transition to the embodiment of your Divine Self, the solar eclipse offers an opportunity to receive whatever you need in the Now. Your inner masculine may especially want/need support to take next steps, be felt in their stress and their overprotection, relieve any tensions, answer any distrust. Our inner sacred unions are being illuminated with this eclipse passage as the false feminine hijack (which we call the “Ursula Consciousness”) heals to reveal the sacred feminine. The sacred masculine is roused by her arising, wanting to show up for her, claim her, and care for her. The polarities within you come up as you feel what has been more scared relating than sacred between these energies within.

This is a guided meditation to connect with your inner masculine/feminine:

Here is also a guided meditation that I did last summer during the solstice solar eclipse in which I talk more about transitioning to living on prana/light (I was undergoing an extended fast at the time of filming this video) and a bridge to the solstice eclipse energies, which could even be helpful in this now:

How are you experiencing this eclipse passage?

Much LOVE to you during this eclipse passage and wishes for you to receive ALL that you most need in the form of the deepest heart and soul nourishment,Jelelle AwenDo reach out if you would like a bridge to whatever in your emotional body/souls wants to connect with you! Info about 1:1 sessions with me & other facilitators, writings/books, group call events (including one on 12:12) and more about

Energy Update: Total Solar Eclipse Supporting Digestion Of Life Changing Desires and Decisions

By Jelelle Awen

The New Moon (sacred cosmic feminine) blocks the sun (sacred cosmic masculine) in a total solar eclipse today, December 14th. This is the planetary dance that can reflect the movements going on in our inner cosmos too. With the strong activations coming in during this 12/12 to 12/21 portal before the significant masculine planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st, this eclipse feels like it offers us a breather to feel, digest, and integrate.

The eclipse will only be visible across the southern end of South America, in Chile and Argentina. That is a narrow window to view it with physical eyes, yet eclipses are most powerfully connected to in a meditative visualization state. As you tune into them, slipping into an altered consciousness/light Theta brain wave place, your Divine Self is able to download the frequencies offered by the eclipse as codes moving into your crown chakra/light body, physical cells and emotional bodies.

The energies of this total solar eclipse are expansive and stimulating….you may feel inspired to try something completely different and new in your life. You may feel drawn suddenly to adventure and journeys, either in the physical as in a shift in geography or travel….or just inner journeys going to your next level of expanded consciousness.

Solar eclipses are often turning points in our lives for which major, life changing decisions are made that can have long-lasting effects. The eclipse energies support our clarity, vision, and veils of illusion lifting to see and feel what changes need to happen. The sacred masculine energies this month assist with the how….the actual following through and implementation of these changes. I am experiencing all of this myself in my own life, which I will be sharing more about soon when it feels like the right timing.

Timelines are collapsing and even long-term relationships are completing during this powerful last portal of this bliss mess year of 2020. With what feels like the Ascension acceleration occurring on the winter solstice December 21st, there is a sense that what ‘cannot come with you’ into the New is dissolving away both within and in outer manifestation experience.

Accompanying these completions is a sense of hope and new possibilities for the future. There is a closer and more potent sense of what you most want and need, plus who you really ARE and the life that would most support that expression as you move into New Earth/5D consciousness.

Emotional digestion of these completions, plus feeling stronger desires for your new timeline, can push up lots to emotions for parts of you. The Inner Protector needs negotiation with your Divine Self to feel held and supported by love, and to move through resistances that may come up to change and going into the unknown. The Inner Child can lead here too, with their natural essence expressing in joy, curiousity, and desire for adventure and Star Seed essence providing connection to galactic support. And the Inner Feminine can hold the space for feeling it ALL and responding to whatever is needing love and attention.

Guided meditations to connect with these aspects of self and soul are available in my Deepen video series with a NEW series coming up on January 1, 2021 (more info about that coming soon!):

It is a powerful and magical time no doubt…filled with a sense of infinite possibilities once what was previously limiting can be released, mourned, and let go!

Love from Avalon,

Jelelle Awen

Join Raphael Awen and I live and/or receive the recording for a winter solstice transmission group call by donation for the great conjunction on Monday, December 21 at 5:00pm GMT/12:00pm EST! It is a powerful time to be in group meditation space and support the worldwide Ascension Acceleration! More info here: or

More information about powerful/transformative 1:1 sessions, group call events, our online community Portal, writings/books, video series at

Energy Update: Solar Eclipse Brings Higher Timeline Activations And Reactions Too

By Kalayna Colibri

As your higher timeline calls you, it stirs the pot in every area of your life, making your nest prickly enough that you start to fly straight for it as it moves more and more into your heart and soul field.

Energies coming in now from today’s solar eclipse are activating and supporting this process of making space for the feelings that come up as this happens… as this necessary phase of sorting through and moving on calls to you.

The Divine Father/masculine is especially here to help with the activations around finally being able to really see and trust what’s possible even if parts of you are having a hard time feeling worthy of it. The Divine Mother/feminine is here as well, to help with the integration of the activations and to guide you to create a safe space for yourself and your parts to feel everything that is coming up for you and for them and to make choices based in your truly expanding heart consciousness.

Our Divine Parents, however you want or feel to let them in, want nothing more for us than the best of everything we could possibly have… especially love. They are vibing to me in this moment to share that they are here to remind us of the journey that love IS. That it IS a journey, first of all, starting within. It IS a carrot dangling in front of us, a beam of light to pursue, but it is also always what’s possible and imminent, never just a moving goalpost. We have so many choices to keep making in pursuit of love, healing with love, and serving love, and they are with us in all of it, wanting the genuine BEST for us, helping us find the motivation to stick with the inner journey of discovering what that means for each of us individually.

There’s a ton of support available from them and with them, and my beloveds and I who are also being very activated at this time in many ways, have so much overflow to share with you in loving, compassionate support of your own journey. Please visit for more info on sessions with us.

Much love!


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

A Letter To Men, And To The Sacred Masculine: SoulFullHeart Weekly Museletter (Aug 13, 2018)

It’s the release of our weekly Museletter! Offering ALL of our writings, videos, events, healing offerings, and audio blogs for the week! Go here to read it!

This week’s Museletter is launched by a powerful piece written by SoulFullHeart Co-Creator, Facilitator, and Teacher, Raphael Awen. In this writing, he vulnerably shares about his latest process with a Metasoul brother (more on Metasoul here: and his process of connecting with his own push-pull around serving men. He also digests some themes he feels are moving through all men in the collective:

“What holds any one of us back from our true and deep (even infinite) potential? Why would we settle for good enough, or worse, for ongoing suffering? Why would we believe, and then go on to manifest according to that belief, that this is ‘as good as it gets’?

…I write to men. I call to men. I write to the Sacred Masculine that lives in men and women alike. I declare my desire and readiness along with acknowledging at the same time my reticence to serve men, and this reticent Masculine; in order to serve my highest timeline. Nothing needs to be overcome or suppressed in order to achieve in these new arising domains of being, but instead lovingly embraced as the seed of our ever-present infinite being out experiencing a full drama of leaving and then returning to the fullness we always were and are, but couldn’t quite come to know and feel, until we enter this Now.”

Raphael, along with his beloved and SoulFullHeart Co-Creator/Facilitator/Teacher, Jelelle Awen, will be hosting a live stream Q & A tomorrow, Aug 18th, at 11:30am CDT on Jelelle’s Facebook feed and on our Youtube channel: SoulFullHeart Experience. Catch them live or on the recording, talking about the incoming Ascension energies and the processes going on right now too, as they also take your questions and comments.

There is a brand new guided meditation offering released this week as well, from SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator/Heartist, Gabriel Heartman. It is a meditation offered to help you connect with the Inner Punisher part of you in order to begin a relationship with this part, get to know it, and start to love it as a part of you that needs you and your love to hold it.

There are a number of new writings offered this week from Gabriel, Kalayna, Raphael, and Jelelle, along with a few new audio recordings too. This week they digest the topics of the latest solar eclipse and the energies it offered; sacred union; and different ways to feel and digest your ongoing personal process.

You’ll find information about our five-day retreat happening here in beautiful, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in November, 2018. You can read more about that here:

We all offer 1:1 90min Bridging Sessions to help boost and digest your Ascension process and feel with you what your next steps are towards your highest timeline possibilities. These sessions are available for $55 USD min. donation per session. More information can be found here:

We love to share our offerings with you and would enjoy to receive whatever heart donation in the form of money you feel that resonates with our offerings. You can go to our donation page for more info on how to donate:

Thank you so much for your interest in and support of SoulFullHeart Way of Life! If you’d like to receive these Museletters directly and automatically in your email every week, you can subscribe on our website at:

Check out the latest Museletter here.

Eclipse Energies Supporting Illumination Of Resistance To Love

by Kalayna Colibri

There are still some residual pieces to feel as the Lion’s Gate energies continue to wan and the eclipse today shines its light… a partial eclipse, so it feels like it acknowledges the illuminating work done so far, yet wants to offer this illumination as a way to see and feel what remains in shadow too. One needs the other, needs contrast, in order to be deeply felt and let in…

It’s always amazing to me, how the capacity of our parts to filter out and resist love too is exactly the same capacity they have to hold the tears of collapse INTO love, into you, into their realities and what’s been bubbling underneath the now glassy surface.

Amazing too, how right in line with this, there can be SO much GOODNESS and LOVE to let in while also feeling the baggage to be claimed within, the places where love still needs to go in order to help you move the residue of old conditioning and the remnants of your deepest pain.

I feel this eclipse today offering this and so much more… that there always is and will be so much more, especially more love in the truest, purest sense. Ideas of abundance seem to be falling away or shifting into something new, something not materialistic at all, yet too, there are new invitations now to revisit even ‘material’ abundance and have a new relationship with it.

I feel this all so much on a personal level – the letting in of deeper and deeper love with others yet with myself and my own parts/Metasoul too. So often for me, there can be a heart-wide-open letting in feeling and experience that is like a Kundalini experience x infinity in moments, while in sometimes the very next wave there is also an experience of fear, of resistance, of self-judgment in parts of me that are trying to put the brakes on the goodness. This happens less and less now, yet it does happen. And, I feel how this is true for so many… the more love there is to let in, the more room we need to make for it.

Infinite love to you on this eclipse day… may you shine bright in your own right, in your exploration of your shadow/suppressed parts, in your deeper and deeper embracement of the love that you are. ❤

If you feel you’re in need of support for your own digestion of these and other incoming Ascension-boosting/supporting energies, check out our offering of very affordable Bridging Sessions… we would love to extend our hearts to you at this time!


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women around (and under) the age of 35, emoto-spiritual teacher, WayShower, energy healer, indigo-crystal bridge, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

You Are Eclipsed Abundance

Photo by JOE KLAMAR/AFP/Getty Images

You are eclipsed abundance.

The direct 3D experience of life can be used as evidence by a part of us to assume a belief that since A has never, or rarely ever happened, then A is either does not exist or is some random anomaly and therefore should not be assumed as ‘real’ or a permanent fixture of existence.

Take for example….Abundance (you can replace it with Love, Romance, Purpose, etc). If our more limited 3D, or questioning and curious 4D parts of us have had many direct experiences of ‘lack’ (usually defined by these parts as not getting what they want to feel good/comfortable/safe/loved) then the belief that life IS lack is set into the creative programming structure of consciousness and…voila!…life is Lack (whatever that definition is to these parts).

The more the universe brings us that ‘truth’ the more solid the belief and it becomes like quick setting concrete in our consciousness and turning that ship around can be challenging, but not impossible (perceived by these very same parts that created it in the first place, mind you).

Lack is a reflection of our Sacred Forgetting. We veiled ourselves from Abundance to play (experience) in this dimension of This and That, or This NOT That. It is easier for these separated and disowned parts of us to assume this reality since this is the reality they live in. A disconnection from Source and the abundance it IS. So this rush to these quantum judgments and beliefs is always, in my opinion, a protection.

The protection is there to not get too attached to something that is either temporal or just doesn’t plain exist. Fully embodying this ensures that you don’t get hurt, nor abundance. The price of believing in abundance (love, romance, higher timelines, etc) is the pain of not having it, and/or the pain of actually letting it in.

There is an infinite treasure chest buried in the depth of our existential sacred wounding. Feeling the parts of you that are there to keep you from Harm and conversely from Love and Goodness assists in opening this Pandora’s Box. When you understand the Whys? then you can open your compassionate heart to these parts of you and bring them back into the experience of what ‘was’ and actually IS. That you belong in an abundant, infinite, expression of Love. It is not a quick turn around but a process of choosing something new and remembering something forgotten. This takes time, patience, and powerful choices.

This is the message I receive from this alchemical time of year. You are eclipsed abundance. You are the Moon and the Sun both. Give space to that which is veiling and the bright light behind it shall shine.


Gabriel Heartman is an emoto-spiritual men’s and women’s facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Energy Update: Solar Eclipse Offers Joy Again And Setting Boundaries

By Jelelle Awen

Partial solar eclipse today…visible with our third eyes mostly, felt in our hearts, registered by our souls and Higher Selves as the codes come streaming in. This eclipse offers that your SKIES can open up again….that the sun of love is meant to come in and arise again after you’ve been in shadow, in some craziness timelines, feeling parts of you in distrust and anxiety (as I’ve written about recently.)

The beaming joy of after birth; the relief of catharsis; and the exhale as tensions relax ARE needed and available in this Now. Without this experience of peace too, then parts of you are ‘suffering over your suffering’ and remaining in loops of reactivity to crisis leading to more reactivity leading to more crisis, etc. etc. Parts of you may be drawn to the comfort of the dark without balance of light and love to HOLD the next necessary exploration into shadow integration.

The eclipse also offers a showing of edges that are sometimes necessary; to see and claim boundaries that sometimes need to be set with others so that you can feel like YOU again, so that you can find inner peace again, so that you can cease the suffering loops that they produce and reflect of you to you.

You can see the overlap between your sun and their moon and feel if it still serves you and if you still want it in your galaxy or not.

Conscious choices in ALL areas of life are so important right now as so many timelines shift, collapse, and new ones, higher ones want to birth and emerge. The fear-based timelines can tug hard to keep you anchored into the old. Are you choosing from love or from habit of suffering? Are you choosing from love of yourself or from a place of self hatred and fear? Are you choosing from the newest and highest or from the known and the safe?

The planetary bodies eclipse and merge and overlap in moments such as this….and so offer us mirrors to see our own movements too. This is a time to fill up again with LOVE as the momentous journey of ascension continues on, along with the Divine align…..

Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life and offers space holding sessions with women. She is a Soul Scribe and author of three books about Ascension. for more information about space holding sessions and a free intro session, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our patreon page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings at

Eclipse Accelerates Ascension Process And Activates Highest Timelines: Conversation With My Arcturian Guide/Aspect

By Jelelle Awen



Hustle and bustle ‘behind the scenes’, in the stars, in the skies, as preparations are ‘being made’ for the total solar eclipse today….this is what I am seeing as I connect to galactic energies in this now. There are many Star BEings AND the human alliance gathering together, an alliance formed of humans who have ‘been in the know’ for very many years, conscious of contact, and collaborating with benevolent Star BEings to bring about the disclosure process to the collective at a rate and pace that we can digest and handle.

Binkh, my Arcturian guide/aspect, comes forward to me and she presses her three, long fingered hand against my fleshy human one. She then draws me in to touch third eyes together and I am transported to the ‘heart’ of the eclipse activity from above. It still stuns me how full of star ships the orbit of Gaia is and how we have been cloaked from seeing this with our ‘eyes’. The orbit is is packed today in witness of the ‘show’, just as it is getting packed with humans below, coming together in pilgrimage to so many grassy and green places along the belt of visibility in the U.S. to view the complete eclipse.

“What is really happening today, Binkh? On a galactic level and how does it relate to our ascension process?” I ask her as we float in the orbit together, not sure that she’ll give me a ‘straight’ answer to my questions, but feeling, as always, her deep love for humanity’s process and progress.

“This is an ordinary event from a cosmic or celestial perspective. Not rare at all in the bigger perspective of multiverses. Yet, to humans, you are giving it much meaning AND you are looking for meaning too in it,” she says. “The ‘fact’ of it is uniting you together as ONE to share the common experience of it. It is THIS unification and coming together that is offering us an opportunity to accelerate your ascension process, for those souls who are ready to let it in.”

“What is this acceleration about? Continual waking up of our DNA? Activations? Light Body Upgrades? Emotional body purgings and healings? Easier Metasoul access with less veil?”

She nods, with a gentle smile on her face. “Yes, all of that. Your connection with this sun is very profound. You have a relationship with it. You all ‘believe’ in it because you can ‘see’ it. That opens up your minds to it. That opens up your hearts to it. Your bodies too. You open up to it. So, in the moments of the eclipse, you become more receptive to the codes and information….the LOVE that we are actually always and in all ways offering you. You are turning the frequency UP of this love and light because you are turning your attention to it. Since you are all very powerful conductors of energy and ARE energy, you each become portals, channels, receivers and transmitters.”

“Parts of us can relax and let in. It’s like we are watching a movie, entertained by the cosmos, a receptive audience, yet I get what you are saying too about us becoming transmitters too.”

“Yes, Jelelle. Some more receptive than others. Some more ready to be transmitters than others. However, ALL higher selves/soul selves will be rejuvenated and supported by these codes. All those consciously awakening will receive support for the manifestation of their highest timeline and purpose on your Gaia at this ‘time’. They will be transmitted the experience of this timeline as it is already happening. They will ‘see’ the movie ahead of time, you could say, of what their life is meant to be. You have been experiencing this process these last couple of weeks. Feeling and seeing your ‘highest future’ and receiving clarities and intuitions about next steps toward it…..from the small steps to the large ones.”

“Oh, yes, I so have been! Just this week we have received clarity as a community about which geography we need to be in for our highest timeline to manifest. Along with mourning, intense emotional body processing at times to purge out and let go of the old timelines. This brings up for me how it is our free will choice as individuals if we will choose love over fear, if we will choose our highest timelines or not. If we will bravely claim what we are here to do and BE. If we will unite with others in commUNITY or continue to feel separate, isolated, and alone. If we will feel our emotional bodies and our hurting hearts or suppress them.”

“There is a timeline where you are all already free. You are already ascended. You are already sacred human. You are already living out your highest timelines. Yet, like a recently released prisoner, you may still remain attached to the bars, comforted by the cell, familiar with the confinement. We offer you the energies to see and feel that you are already free and how and what level you digest that is up to each of you.”

I feel a wave of admiration and gratitude move through me as I feel how many advanced and beautiful star BEings are connected, concerned, and patiently witnessing and helping with humanity’s process of collective awakening. They are so genuinely and deeply ‘rooting FOR us’ and connected WITH us…it is very inspiring. I feel again how Binkh is an aspect of me….not an ‘outward’ guide outside of me, yet an aspect of my Metasoul. In my connection with her this way, I am able to feel how the Arcturian consciousness is available to me in this now.

Whatever ways you choose to let in the LOVE codes being offered today through the eclipse, open your heart and soul to let in the vision, sense, feeling tones of your highest timelines. Feel the tastes of your sacred humanity in manifest form in service of love AS Infinite Love. Feel the textures of galactic and angelic support that are there in the now AND inside of you, accessible in all moments and offered in always and in ALL ways as you remember you are already ascended. You are already free.


Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Soul Scribe, waySHOWer, and co-creator and teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Sacred Human, Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body With Your Spirituality and  Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond Visit for more information about space holding sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Eclipse Energies Bring A Renewed Sense Of The Sacred Masculine Dance

by Kalayna Colibri



The Eclipse energies are bringing out something NEW in the masculine. It is trying to birth a new sense of what the ‘sacred masculine’ is, which has felt elusive and puzzling, not to mention hard to define. Any definitions we’ve tried to say are ‘it’ have tended to fall short most of the time, for it is still being rediscovered, along with the sacred feminine. It calls for men who are able to embody its messiness of heart and truth on this path of rediscovery. It calls for women to feel it within themselves as a counterpart to the budding inner feminine. The wounded masculine is alive within us all to some degree, until it has really been felt for the protection it has wanted and needed to offer and the tiredness it is feeling more and more as it realizes it IS wounded and does need our love and healing…

This healing can and does happen, the more we hold the desire for it too. It is so much of what needs to be felt and healed in our world as we ‘kNOw’ it today. It is expressed in the ways we claim to ‘know’ what we cannot in many ways, mental approaches to spirituality that do not ask us to embody it and feel it deeply inside of our hearts as arising sacred humans, and it is our okayness and also thirst for war and battles in any way, shape or form. It is expressed too, through our outrage, through our self-image creation and maintenance, through our push-aways from our hearts and the hearts of others, through the walls parts of us have built around us, wanting to contain and protect was is precious within, wanting to keep itself from being felt for what it truly is.

We see and feel it in our leaders and our leadership inside of us too. We feel it in our sexuality, our desires for dominance (though as woman, perhaps this is more subtle or takes a different form than it does for men), our pushing and action-based lives we’ve led. It is something that shows up often in our daily lives, especially when we have not begun to really see it and feel it.

Perhaps this current Eclipse will help bring in more illumination of this inside of you and inside of others. I am feeling it for myself today and these words are what I want to offer the masculine inside of me, inside of you, and inside of all men…


To the renewing, emerging, strengthening Sacred Masculine, within AND outside of me…

I invite you into a dance. A dance less structured than a waltz, and as passionate as a tango. I want to fill my dance card with the names of men (and eventually, only ONE man) who feel the pull, the desire, for themselves, for me, for us. I want unchoreographed, spontaneous steps, sometimes in alignment with each other, at other times not. I want the mess of the self-discovery that has us at times wondering how on Earth we’re going to navigate this one, though we both have the gumption, the desire, the courage to keep going inside as the only option.

I want something I can grab a hold of, without tugging or being tugged on. Something that is concrete yet has breathing and fluidity and room for what IS along with what could be and what we both want, starting with what we want inside of ourselves.

The games of old, those ones we never wanted to play anyway, they are being asked to crumble inside of us. They are being set to fall away in avalanches of pure love and sacred union codes coming in, that so do not resonate or match the currently embraced picture of romantic relationship, which is steeped in much emotional and spiritual immaturity and unrealness.

I want to let it all, all we’ve thought we ‘knew’, fly away with the wind in poignant moments of sorting through this from that within each of us and within ‘us’ too. I want to unlearn and relearn it all with you. I want to feel it all bubbling up and bursting within me and within us, and play it all like notes and chords on piano keys, bringing it all to the fore of our relationship ground, that place where it’s safe to do so and yet the precipice of where it could all fall apart (and in phases, needs to) is always there too.

I see you, I feel you, I know you… I trust the heart that is arising and reconciling inside of you, sometimes with contention and male ‘UMPH’. Ugh. YES. The line of abuse cannot be reached by a heart that is working towards its purity and holds deep reverence, respect, love, care, for itself and me too.

I want any resistance that’s here within you, within me, to BE pushed up, to be felt, to be held, to be loved, to be ultimately moved. I do not want the resistance to become the relationship, the reason to slow it all down. I want our parts to know, feel, understand that you are there for them, for your own, that I am there for them, for my own.

I want the genuine, the real, the incredibly HOT sacred masculine that arises from deep within the shadows and caves of the real, the soulful, the heartful, that doesn’t caretake, the penetrates in all the ways it needs to, that mates and creates and brings its truth, even if its truth isn’t polished or perfect or even UNDERSTOOD fully. I want the shit storms. Yes. The masculine in ME wants that, wants to be pressed up, pushed on, noticed, healed, moved, so that the feminine that so wants to dance with it and with YOU can arise more and more as the climate shifts to one where it can, where it is safe to, where it isn’t expected to battle, to be an Amazon, to outrage, but to encourage, to be, to heal, to offer

I want the ‘shit storms’. Yes. The masculine in ME wants that, wants to be pressed up, pushed on, noticed, healed, moved, so that the feminine that so wants to dance with it and with YOU can arise more and more as the climate shifts to one where it can, where it is safe to, where it isn’t expected to battle, to be an Amazon, to outrage, but to encourage, to be, to heal, to offer healing, to LOVE, to have her stillness that is born from an elegant blossom grown in mud and fun too. I want those portals the masculine and feminine are meant to create together, to bring out from each other, to step into in love that is made in the physical and other levels too. And you’ll know if you can do this, by your reaction to these words, that yes, I do feel are coming from a masculine AND a feminine inside of me too. Somehow, I trust that if you’re meant to, you’ll get this. Your maturity will resonate with it and your heart and soul that desire to FEEL and to HEAL and to make genuine, heart open love that travels to the Cosmos and back again with a woman is what you’ll feel now.

This is not coming from a woman who has solely been burned, been victimized, been abused, though of course that lies in this woman’s heart and body’s history with men who haven’t embodied the sacred masculine before or really even tried (save one, who to this day I still heal with consistently and we help each other move a lot, even just as dear friends). My stories of these experiences are not an attachment, though they also live in my Metasoul as well as my emotional and physical bodies. Nothing inside of me is asking you to heal it for me. Nothing inside of me needs you to be something you’re not, for what you ARE, IS the journey for me and for you.

I feel ready. I feel ready to take on something new. I feel ready for what can only move and heal in monogamous, romantic relationship. I feel a new relationship arising to my own inner masculine that wants to become more of the sacred masculine too, and at the same time, I feel my feminity wanting to arise more and more, to be in the space with me more, to feel safer there than she ever has. To share this with a man, who is also feeling inside of himself a feminine counterpart that wants to arise and heal and be, along with a masculine that wants to do the driving, to lead himself to more healing on a REAL level, to be in deep sacred union mateship with a woman that he sees and feels as body, heart, AND soul and wants to claim with all of his being as she claims him with all of hers, THIS is the dream, this is the desire that is bursting from me today. And this is the ongoing invitation, perhaps right now more than ever before with these Solar Eclipse energies coming in and illuminating, shifting, driving us to more and more healing on levels that maybe we could not have imagined before.

My inner masculine and feminine, who are trying to reconcile something with each other in this moment, it feels like, thank you for taking this in right now. They thank you for welcoming their passion, their unknown about themselves that they are looking to discover, their desire to feel it all. Thank you… and I welcome you into this powerful sense of passionate discovery and rediscovery for yourself too.



Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart facilitator for women around (and under) the age of 30, energy healer, indigo-crystal bridge, soul scribe, and poetess. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at